Undergraduate Policies

Student sitting on interior window ledge with laptop.

UB has many policies and procedures in place that establish guidelines for an undergraduate education. These policies and procedures outline what your responsibilities are as a student, and what UB’s responsibilities are as a university. If an academic issue arises during your time at UB, the university will consult these policies for guidance.

Undergraduate Catalog & Student Responsibility

The Undergraduate Catalog is electronically published annually and is the definitive source for academic policies and procedures as well as all degree and graduation requirements. 

When you enrolled at UB, you acknowledged that you received and affirmed the Student Code of Conduct, which means you take responsibility for reviewing, understanding and abiding by the university’s regulations, procedures, requirements and deadlines as described in official publications, including the university’s Undergraduate Catalog, UB websites, and official university email communications. As part of this, you agreed to the Student Responsibility Statement, which states all students are required to positively affirm their knowledge of UB’s Student Conduct Rules, University Standards and Administrative Regulations prior to their inaugural semester at UB. It’s important to know that UB does not accept a lack of awareness about or knowledge of university regulations as a reason to grant an exception to them.